Sunday, November 21, 2010

Configuring a WebLogic Domain and Server

What this Setup is about
A domain is an interrelated set of WebLogic Server resources managed as a unit.  A domain includes one or more administration servers and managed servers.  Various clients use the administration server to configure the system.  The managed server is used to run actual applications.
We will use the Domain Configuration wizard to create a new domain called mydomain.
What You Should Be Able to Do
Following this setup, you should be able to configure a new domain using the Configuration Wizard.


1.    Create a Domain
From the Start menu select Programs -> BEA WebLogic Platform 8.1  -> Configuration Wizard.   This will launch the tool.
From the first screen, select Create a new WebLogic configuration and then click Next.


From the list of Configuration Templates select Basic WebLogic Server Domain. 

Select Custom for Configuration type.  Click Next.

You will be prompted to enter a name for the new administration server.  Enter AdminServer and click Next.

The Configuration Wizard will then ask if you would like to have your WebLogic configuration distributed across managed servers, clusters and physical machines.  Click Yes and Next.

You will now specify the creation of a Managed Server. Click the Add button in the top right corner, and specify the name of the new server to be myserver.  Change the Listen Port to 7005 and then click Next.

We will not configure a Cluster at this time, so simply click Next on the Configure Clusters screen.

Machines will not be configured at this time, so click Next on the Configure Machines screen.

Similarly, Database Options will also be configured in a later lab, so for now simply select No and then click Next  on the Database (JDBC) Options screen.

On the Messaging (JMS) Options screen, select No and then click Next. Messaging and JMS will be configured in a future lab. 
You will then be asked to specify the administrative username and password for the new domain. Enter weblogic for both username and password.  Click Next.
You will now have the option to Configure Windows Options. Select Yes in the left pane (so we can have a start menu shortcut) and select No in the right pane so that WebLogic Server will not run as a service. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard will ask you to Build Start Menu Entries. Accept the defaults by clicking Next.

You will then be asked to Configure Server Start Mode and Java SDK. Set the WebLogic Configuration Start Mode to be Development Mode by selecting it in the left pane, and select the Sun SDK 1.4.1_03-ea @ C:\bea\jdk141_03 in the right pane.  Click Next.
You will now be asked to Create  the WebLogic Configuration.  Here you will specify the new domain’s name and install path.  We will name the domain mydomain (by entering it in the Configuration Name field in the bottom right corner) and choose the default location (which should automatically be set to c:\bea\user_projects\domains\ mydomain).  Click Create when done.
Congratulations!  You have created a WebLogic Server 8.1 domain.  The domain has an administrative server called AdminServer and one managed server called myserver.  Click Done on the Creating Configuration screen to exit the Configuration Wizard.
2.    Verify domain creation.
Using the file explorer, verify that the domain directory C:\bea\user_projects\domains\mydomain was created.  Verify the existence of the config.xml file and the startWebLogic.cmd file.  The latter is used to launch the Admin Server.
Start the Admin Server by selecting Start -> Programs -> BEA WebLogic Platform 8.1 -> User Projects -> mydomain -> Start Server.  Wait until you see a Server started in RUNNING mode message.
Next, we will launch the admin console.  Using a Web browser, open the Administration Console with the URL:
You  should be presented with a login page.  Specify username and password to be weblogic and then click on Sign In to login.  This will bring up the administration console or adminconsole.
 In the left pane of the administration console, click on Servers to view the status of the two servers we have created.  Note that the status of AdminServer is RUNNING while the status of myserver is UNKNOWN.   This is because myserver has not been started yet.
Next, launch the managed server myserver.  Open another DOS command window.  Change to c:/bea/user_projects/domains/mydomain.  Enter:
startManagedWebLogic myserver http://localhost:7001
Note the syntax of the command:
MainServer server will begin to boot. Wait until you see the message “Server Started in RUNNING mode”.  In the admin console, click on Servers again to refresh the status.

Congratulations!  You have finished creating a domain complete with an administration server and a single managed server.  Now shutdown each server from the console and close the browser.

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