What is TIBCO Administrator ?
TIBCO Administrator supports security administration as well as monitoring and management of processes and machines.
TIBCO Administrator consists of the TIBCO Administration Server and the web browser based TIBCO Administrator GUI.
What are TIBCO Administrator Modules ?
User Management
Resource Management
Application Management
What is a TIBCO Domain?
A: Domain is a collection of hardware and software components that are used for business process integration. The domain defines the TIBCO BusinessWorks environment. Each domain must contain one and only one administration server. Each domain must have a unique domain name. Each domain may contain one or more machines but no single machine can belong to multiple domains. Each machine may have more than one type of software component.
What is a deployment?
A deployment is a completed configured instance of an integration or project. TIBCO Designer is used to configure projects and deployments in current version. In the future, TIBCO Administrator will be used to manage deployment of projects.
What is the main responsibilities of the Admin server?
It manages data storage for the Admin
It manages transport options for applications
It enforces security for the domian
What is TIBCO HAWK agent?
It is the independent process that monitors applications and systems utility.
What are the Scripting utilities?
There are two types of scripting utilities.
They are
1. Buildear
What are the components of the TIBCO Admin? What is its use?
Admin server: It manages resource in Admi domian
Admin GUI: It [provides web browser interface. It allows to configure users and applications, deploys applications, monitor process and machines in admin domain.
Can we run multiple administrators in the same domain?
No. Only one administration server is installed and configured for use per domain.
What is the default port where admin runs?
Port: 8080
Host: Localhost
What is UDDI module?
Universal, description, discovery and integration. It creates connections between uddi servers and web services contained in the server. If you grant permissions then you can publish web services information through uddi servers.
What is Resouce management?
It creates application domian.
It can customize machine display.
It displays information about machines and process on machine.
What is application domain?
This applicatio stores the data separetely or independently in a repository from the admin domian repository.
What is an Application Archieve?
It provides information about the enterprise archieve file including package name, version, description and creation date.
Can we change the adapter from one domain to another?
Yes, but you will need to uninstall the existing adapter that has joined the current domain and then reinstall the adapter and join it to the new domain. You will also be able to change the domain info directly using Domain Utility .
How to view tracing results for a process engine?
Got to Application Management
click on All service instances,
click on the process engine name
tracing tab, go to details
What is deployment choice?
When configuring adminstration domian , you can set how the admin server creates and stores application data.
1. Local application data
2. Server based application data
What are the versions of TIBCO Admin?
There are two types of two versions.
1) Repository Edition
2) Enterprise Edition.
Can we change the domain for one machine to another later?
Yes, you can add/remove machine from domain using Damain Utility.
What are the restrictions of using TIBCO Admin GUI via secondary server?
We cannot perform user management, deploy applications or perform any other activity for which read write access is required.
What do you have in the User management module?
1. Explain the processes flow of your latest project by including activities.
ans: for various service implementation I designed processes using various BW activities like JMS Queue Receiver, XML Parser
2. What are the differences between the versions 2.x and 5.2?
type 2.x 5.2
deployment In 2.x deployment is done in the designer Here deployment is done using administrator tool
Name spaces Name spaces are prefixed with tib No tib in name spaces
pallets Extra pallets added
Iterate-reset At the end of each iterate the output is not reset Here the output is reset after each iteration
installation Here all the components like BW,ADB,FILE etc come as a package Here we will have to install each component separately
File type All files are .dat. we have to convert these manually Multi format file are available so that we do not have to convert the dat files
3. What are the activities you worked on?
Ans: JMS queue receiver,confirm,checkpoint,XML parser,call process,JDBC update,SOAP,HTTP.
write to log - widely used.
4. What is the inspector activity does?
Ans: the inspector activity is used to obtain the output of any activity or all the activities and process variables.
Scenario: You can use the inspector activity to write the output of any activity or process variable in the current process. Activities and process variables in a subprocess are not available to the Inspector activity (but the output of a Call Process activity can be written using the Inspector activity). If you wish to obtain the output from one or more activities or process variables in a subprocess, place the Inspector activity in the process definition of the subprocess.
5.Can you tell me at least four starter activities and when they get executed?
1) Adapter subscriber, adap request response server :-When ever a message comes into a destination queue or network, listerns to a request from a adapter and sends a respose back to that adapter
2) File poller :- polls for any changes that occur in the file and with any change grabs the whole file.
3) Timer:- receive notification Starts a process on the time specified ex: before JDBC QUERY, starts a process on receiving of data from a notify activity.
4) http receiver :-Starts a process based on a request from http server.
5) Jms queue receiver, jms topic subscriber :- Starts a process when ever a new message comes into the specified queue, starts a process when ever there is a new message in the specified topic.
6) Receive mail :- The Receive Mail process starter polls a POP3 mail server for new mail. When new mail is detected and retrieved, the Receive Mail process starter starts a new process for the process definition it resides in and passes the mail data to the next activity in the process flow.
7) Rv subscriber:- The Rendezvous Subscriber process starter creates a process when a TIBCO Rendezvous message on the given subject is received.
Rmi server :- The RMI Server process starter registers the specified remote object name with the specified registry server and then creates process instances to handle incoming requests for the object. The process definition acts as the implementation of the specified object.
9) Soap event source :- The SOAP Event Source process starter creates a process instance for incoming SOAP requests. SOAP is a standard protocol for invoking web services. This allows you to create a web service using process definitions.
At runtime, a client can retrieve the WSDL file for a process containing this process starter using an HTTP request. Once the WSDL is retrieved, the client can perform a SOAP request to invoke the web service.
10)Tcp receiver The TCP Receiver process starter starts a new process when a client requests a TCP connection.
6. What is the purpose of JMS Queue receiver activity and Queue sender activity?
Ans: Starts a process when ever a new message comes into the specified queue.
A queue sender activity sends messages into the specified queue.
7. What are acknowledgement modes and where do you set them and what is the applicability of each mode?
The acknowledge mode for incoming messages. Can be one of the following:
• Auto — the message is automatically acknowledged when it is received.
• Client — the message will be acknowledged at a later point by using the Confirm activity. If the message is not confirmed before the process instance ends, the message is redelivered and a new process instance is created to handle the new incoming message. Ensure that your process definition confirms the message when using this acknowledge mode.
• TIBCO EMS Explicit Client Acknowledge — this mode behaves exactly the same as the Client mode, except the session is not blocked and one session can handle all incoming messages.
• Dups OK — the message is acknowledged automatically when it is received. JMS provides this mode for lazy acknowledgement, but TIBCO BusinessWorks acknowledges messages upon receipt.
• Transactional — this mode is used when a transaction that can process JMS messages is included in the process definition. The message is acknowledged when the transaction commits. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Process Design Guide for more information about creating transactions that JMS activities can participate in.
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