Sunday, November 21, 2010

Tibco Business works questions (Tibco BW)

1. Explain the processes flow of your latest project by including activities.
ans: for various service implementation I designed processes using various BW activities like JMS Queue Receiver, XML Parser

2. What are the differences between the versions 2.x and 5.2?
type 2.x 5.2
deployment In 2.x deployment is done in the designer Here deployment is done using administrator tool
Name spaces Name spaces are prefixed with tib No tib in name spaces
pallets Extra pallets added
Iterate-reset At the end of each iterate the output is not reset Here the output is reset after each iteration
installation Here all the components like BW,ADB,FILE etc come as a package Here we will have to install each component separately
File type All files are .dat. we have to convert these manually Multi format file are available so that we do not have to convert the dat files

3. What are the activities you worked on?
Ans: JMS queue receiver,confirm,checkpoint,XML parser,call process,JDBC update,SOAP,HTTP.
write to log - widely used.

4. What is the inspector activity does?
Ans: the inspector activity is used to obtain the output of any activity or all the activities and process variables.
Scenario: You can use the inspector activity to write the output of any activity or process variable in the current process. Activities and process variables in a subprocess are not available to the Inspector activity (but the output of a Call Process activity can be written using the Inspector activity). If you wish to obtain the output from one or more activities or process variables in a subprocess, place the Inspector activity in the process definition of the subprocess.

5.Can you tell me at least four starter activities and when they get executed?
1) Adapter subscriber, adap request response server :-When ever a message comes into a destination queue or network, listerns to a request from a adapter and sends a respose back to that adapter
2) File poller :- polls for any changes that occur in the file and with any change grabs the whole file.
3) Timer:- receive notification Starts a process on the time specified ex: before JDBC QUERY, starts a process on receiving of data from a notify activity.
4) http receiver :-Starts a process based on a request from http server.
5) Jms queue receiver, jms topic subscriber :- Starts a process when ever a new message comes into the specified queue, starts a process when ever there is a new message in the specified topic.
6) Receive mail :- The Receive Mail process starter polls a POP3 mail server for new mail. When new mail is detected and retrieved, the Receive Mail process starter starts a new process for the process definition it resides in and passes the mail data to the next activity in the process flow.
7) Rv subscriber:- The Rendezvous Subscriber process starter creates a process when a TIBCO Rendezvous message on the given subject is received.
Rmi server :- The RMI Server process starter registers the specified remote object name with the specified registry server and then creates process instances to handle incoming requests for the object. The process definition acts as the implementation of the specified object.
9) Soap event source :- The SOAP Event Source process starter creates a process instance for incoming SOAP requests. SOAP is a standard protocol for invoking web services. This allows you to create a web service using process definitions.
At runtime, a client can retrieve the WSDL file for a process containing this process starter using an HTTP request. Once the WSDL is retrieved, the client can perform a SOAP request to invoke the web service.
10)Tcp receiver The TCP Receiver process starter starts a new process when a client requests a TCP connection.

6. What is the purpose of JMS Queue receiver activity and Queue sender activity?
Ans: Starts a process when ever a new message comes into the specified queue.
A queue sender activity sends messages into the specified queue.

7. What are acknowledgement modes and where do you set them and what is the applicability of each mode?
The acknowledge mode for incoming messages. Can be one of the following:
• Auto — the message is automatically acknowledged when it is received.
• Client — the message will be acknowledged at a later point by using the Confirm activity. If the message is not confirmed before the process instance ends, the message is redelivered and a new process instance is created to handle the new incoming message. Ensure that your process definition confirms the message when using this acknowledge mode.
• TIBCO EMS Explicit Client Acknowledge — this mode behaves exactly the same as the Client mode, except the session is not blocked and one session can handle all incoming messages.
• Dups OK — the message is acknowledged automatically when it is received. JMS provides this mode for lazy acknowledgement, but TIBCO BusinessWorks acknowledges messages upon receipt.
• Transactional — this mode is used when a transaction that can process JMS messages is included in the process definition. The message is acknowledged when the transaction commits. See TIBCO BusinessWorks Process Design Guide for more information about creating transactions that JMS activities can participate in.

8. What is a check point activity and confirm activity?
Ans: A checkpoint saves the current process data and state so that it can be recovered at a later time in the event of a failure. If a process engine fails, all process instances can be recovered and resume execution at the location of their last checkpoint in the process definition.

The Confirm activity confirms any confirmable messages received by the process instance. For example, if a process is started because of the receipt of an RVCM message, the Confirm activity can send a confirmation message to the publisher of the RVCM message

9. What happens if you use check point activity first and confirm next?
In the case of confirmable messages , you must consider the consequences of performing a checkpoint before or after a Confirm activity.
If the checkpoint is taken before the Confirm activity, then a crash occurs after a checkpoint but before a confirm, the original message is resent. In this case, the restarted process can no longer send the confirmation. However, a new process is started to handle the resent message, and you can implement your process to handle the restarted and new processes appropriately.
If the checkpoint is taken after a Confirm activity, there is potential for a crash to occur after the Confirm but before the checkpoint. In this case, the message is confirmed and therefore not redelivered. The process instance is not restarted, because the crash occurred before the checkpoint.
You must consider the type of processing your process definition performs to determine when a checkpoint is appropriate if your process definition receives confirmable messages.

10. What is the potential problem with JMS Queue requestor?
When we specify a reply to queue there is a chance of other processes sending messages to the same queue and the jms queue requestor interpreting that as the actual response and sending this wrong message to the client.

11. What is the other JMS activity you would use to address the problem?
Get jms queue message. This incorporates a message ID to identify the true message.

12. What are the activities you used to publish the messages from BW process to network on RV?
Ans: publish rv message activity (along with the shared resource – rv transport).

13. What is the transition in BW?
Ans: to move the data from one activity to another or when conditions exist on the data.

14. What are the different kinds of condition types you can have in transition? Explain Them
a)Success :- Take this transition unconditionally. That is, always transition to the activity the transition points to, if the activity completes successfully.
This is the default condition for transitions.
b)Success with condition :- Specify a custom condition using XPath. If the activity completes successfully, and the condition you create evaluates to true, the transition is taken to the activity it points to.
You can type in an XPath condition, and you can use the XPath formula builder to drag and drop XPath expressions and data into the condition. See Chapter 9, XPath for more information about specifying XPath conditions and using the XPath formula builder.
c)Success if no matching condition :- Take this transition when the activity completes successfully, but only if no other transitions are taken. This is useful when multiple transitions with conditions are drawn to other activities. This condition type can be used to handle any cases not handled by the conditions on the other transitions.
d)Error :- Take this transition if there is an error during processing of the activity.

15. What is Generate Error activity? What the applications of it ?
Ans:This activity generates an error and causes an immediate transition to any error transitions. If there are no error transitions, the process instance halts execution. This activity is useful in a group or in a called process. If you would like to catch and raise your own error conditions, you can use this activity to do so.

16. What are the shared variables and process variables?
Process variables: Process variables are data structures available to the activities in the process. You can define your own process variables and assign values to them in your process definition. Process variables are defined on the Process Variables tab of the Process Definition resource. And assigning values to these kind of variables is done using the assign activity.
Shared variables: A Shared Variable resource allows you to share data across process instances. All process instances can read and update the data stored in a shared variable. This type of shared variable is useful if you wish to pass data across process instances or if you wish to make a common set of information available to all process instances.

17. What is XPATH?
Ans: isa XML based path language used to navigate the XML document and manipulate the data

18. What is XSD?
Ans: XML schema definition.

19. What is name space in XSD?
Ans: A name conflict will occur when two different documents use the same element names. So each element is given a unique namespace.

20)what is aweb-service?
Ans: application or a network responding to some remote web-request.

21)what isw a wsdl?what are different types of wsdl?
Ans:Web-services run on wsdl,it defines structure of schema.There are two types of wsdl
Abstract wsdl:-Used on server side,contains request,response and type of operation performed.
concrete wsdl:-used on client side,contains abstract wsdl and transport used.


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